The associated request of the EntityManager.
The name of the MikroORM instance to fork.
The request's associated EntityManager fork.
NuxtMikroOrmNotInitialized When trying to use an instance that wasn't previously initialized with initOrm or registerGlobalOrm.
Use the request's EntityManager.
This function is intended for use at any point where you have access to the request event, such as "request" hooks in Nitro plugins, Nuxt server plugins, or defineEventHandler() handler functions.
Depending on the current runtimeConfig (see ModuleOptions), this function may be automatically called for all routes.
Unlike its "composables" counterpart of the same name, the EntityManager is forked once per request if not already forked. Further calls with the same request and name will return the same EntityManager instance. When using island components, this function must be called before the island component is rendered, so that the other function has access to the now forked EntityManager.